Embarking on Journey of Self-discovery: Find Your Happiness

At its core, happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, and overall positivity. However, happiness is not a one-size-fits-all concept—it is deeply personal and can be influenced by numerous factors.

It’s important to understand that happiness varies widely among individuals. What brings joy to one person might not necessarily bring joy to another. Therefore, discovering what truly makes you happy involves a deep understanding of your values, desires, passions, and personal ambitions.

Personal ValuesThese are the beliefs and principles that guide your life decisions. Aligning your actions with your values often leads to a sense of fulfillment and happiness.
RelationshipsClose, meaningful relationships with family, friends, or partners can greatly contribute to happiness.
Passion and InterestsEngaging in activities or hobbies that you are passionate about can bring significant joy.
Career SuccessProfessional fulfillment and success can lead to a feeling of accomplishment and happiness.
Health and WellnessPhysical and mental well-being is closely linked to happiness. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and mental health care can all contribute to a happier life.

Introspection: Identifying Sources of Personal Happiness

Introspection plays a crucial role in identifying your sources of happiness. It’s a process that involves examining your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to various experiences. Here are some strategies to kick-start this process:


Journaling is a powerful tool that can help you reflect on your daily experiences and emotional responses. By putting your thoughts and feelings into writing, you can gain valuable insights into yourself and your life. This activity can be made even more effective by using tables, bullet lists, and paragraphs to structure your journal entries. In this guide, we will explore different ways you can incorporate these elements into your journaling practice.

  • Daily Experiences and Emotional Responses: Start by writing about your daily experiences, both big and small. Describe events, interactions, and situations that stood out to you during the day. Note down any emotions that you felt in response to these experiences. By acknowledging and documenting your emotions, you can better understand their triggers and effects;
  • Identifying Patterns: After a few entries, take a step back and review your journal. Look for patterns in your experiences and emotional responses. Do certain activities or situations consistently bring you joy or satisfaction? On the other hand, are there any recurring triggers for negative emotions?;
  • Joyful and Satisfying Activities: Take note of the activities or situations that consistently bring you joy or satisfaction. These could be simple pleasures or more significant events. Write about them in detail, describing why they make you feel happy or fulfilled. Use paragraphs to elaborate on the positive impact these experiences have on your well-being;
  • Triggers for Negative Emotions: Similarly, identify the triggers for negative emotionsin your journal. Is it a specific type of interaction, a particular environment, or certain thoughts that consistently lead to negative emotions? Write about these triggers and the emotions they evoke. By understanding them, you can work towards minimizing their impact or finding healthier ways to cope;
  • Self-Reflection: Journaling is an excellent opportunity for self-reflection. Use paragraphs to explore your thoughts, values, and beliefs. Ask yourself questions like, “Why did this particular experience have such a strong emotional impact?” or “What does this pattern say about my priorities?” Self-reflection can help you gain deeper insights into yourself and make positive changes in your life.
Activity/SituationEmotional Response
Morning walkJoy, calmness
Work meetingsStress, frustration
PaintingCreativity, happiness
Socializing with friendsExcitement, connection

Mindfulness Meditation

Photo of a girl sitting on a bed, leaning back against the headboard with her arms crossed

Mindfulness meditation is a practice that involves focusing your attention on the present moment, observing your thoughts and emotions without judgment. It can be a powerful tool for self-awareness and personal growth. In this guide, we will explore different techniques and elements that can enhance your mindfulness meditation practice, including the use of tables, bullet lists, and paragraphs.

  • Setting the Stage: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can meditate without distractions. You may choose to sit on a cushion or chair, or even lie down if that is more comfortable for you. Use a table to keep any necessary items nearby, such as a timer, candles, or essential oils;
  • Focusing on the Present: As you begin your mindfulness meditation, focus on your present feelings and experiences. Use paragraphs to describe your current state, including physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts. Be aware of any tension or discomfort in your body, as well as any recurring thoughts that arise. Observe them without judgment, allowing them to come and go;
  • Breath Awareness: One common technique in mindfulness meditation is to focus on your breath. Use a bullet list to outline the steps for this practice:
    • Find a natural and comfortable rhythm of breathing;
    • Bring your attention to the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body;
    • Notice the rise and fall of your abdomen or the feeling of air passing through your nostrils;
    • If your mind wanders, gently guide your attention back to the breath without judgment.
  • Body Scan: Another technique to cultivate mindfulness is the body scan. Use a table to break down the process:
Body PartSensations and Observations
Head and FaceTingling sensation; relaxed facial muscles
Neck and ShouldersTension and stiffness
Chest and HeartExpansive feeling; heartbeat
Arms and HandsWarmth, tingling; relaxed muscles
Abdomen and StomachRising and falling with breath
Legs and FeetHeaviness, contact with the ground

Move your attention from one body part to another, observing any sensations or tension you may encounter. Release any tension you notice and bring a sense of relaxation and presence to each body part.

  • Identifying Resonance: Through regular mindfulness meditation, you can develop a better understanding of what truly resonates with you. Use paragraphs to reflect on your experiences during meditation and how they relate to your everyday life. Ask yourself questions such as, “What emotions or thoughts arise during meditation?” and “What activities or experiences bring me a sense of peace or fulfillment?” These insights can guide you towards making choices aligned with your values and well-being.

Consultation with a Life Coach or Therapist

Consulting with a life coach or therapist can be a valuable step towards personal growth and self-discovery. These professionals are trained to guide and support you in exploring your values, passions, and aspirations. In this guide, we will delve into the elements of a consultation with a life coach or therapist, utilizing tables, bullet lists, and paragraphs to provide a detailed overview.

  • Initial Assessment: In the first session, the life coach or therapist will conduct an initial assessment to understand your current situation, goals, and challenges. This assessment helps them gain a holistic view of your life and identify areas that require attention. They may use a table to organize the information gathered:
Personal InformationGoalsChallenges
Age, occupation, etc.Personal growthWork-life balance
Relationship statusCareer advancementSelf-esteem issues
Current concernsHealthy lifestyleRelationship conflicts

Values and Passions Exploration: The life coach or therapist will work with you to explore your values, passions, and aspirations. Through meaningful conversations and reflective exercises, they help you gain clarity about what truly matters to you. Use bullet points to outline the steps involved:

  • Reflect on your core values and what brings you joy and fulfillment;
  • Engage in activities or exercises to explore different interests and passions;
  • Discuss your goals and aspirations, both short-term and long-term;
  • Identify any limiting beliefs or obstacles that may be hindering your progress.

Goal Setting and Action Planning: Based on the insights gained from your values and passions exploration, the life coach or therapist will assist you in setting goals and creating an action plan. This plan outlines the steps you need to take to achieve your desired outcomes. Use paragraphs to describe this process in detail:

During the session, you will collaboratively set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). These goals should align with your values and passions. The life coach or therapist will guide you in breaking down these goals into actionable steps. They may also help you identify potential resources, support systems, or tools that can assist you along the way.

  • Emotional Support and Accountability: Throughout your sessions, the life coach or therapist provides emotional support and acts as a source of accountability. They offer a safe space for you to express your thoughts, emotions, and concerns. This support is crucial as you navigate the challenges and changes that may arise during your personal growth journey;
  • Ongoing Reflection and Adjustment: Consultations with a life coach or therapist are not limited to a single session. They often involve ongoing engagement to support your progress and development. Use paragraphs to emphasize the importance of regular reflection and adjustment:

After each session, take time to reflect on the insights gained and how you can apply them to your daily life. As you progress, you may need to make adjustments to your goals or action plans. The life coach or therapist will provide guidance and help you track your progress, celebrating achievements and addressing any setbacks that occur.

Active Exploration: Uncovering Unknown Sources of Happiness

While introspection can highlight already known sources of happiness, active exploration helps uncover new ones. This involves stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new experiences, hobbies, or activities.

  1. New Experiences: Travel, try different cuisines, attend cultural events or seminars in various fields, or meet diverse groups of people. Each experience offers an opportunity to discover a new source of joy;
  2. Skill Development: Learn a new language, musical instrument, sport, or any other skill that interests you. The process of learning and mastering a new skill can be a source of happiness;
  3. Volunteering and Philanthropy: Engaging in social service and contributing to your community or to a cause can provide a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness.

Table 2: Ideas for Active Exploration

New ExperiencesVisit a new city, country, or cultural site, try an exotic cuisine, attend a music festival
Skill DevelopmentLearn to play a musical instrument, start a new sport, learn a new language
Volunteering and PhilanthropyJoin a local community service organization, contribute to a global cause, help out at a local shelter

Creating Your Happiness Blueprint

Photo of a girl lying on a bed, happily reading a book

Once you’ve identified the elements that bring you happiness, it’s time to create a ‘happiness blueprint.’ This blueprint should guide your daily activities and life decisions, ensuring you make space for the things that truly bring you joy.

  1. Identify Your Happiness Elements: Based on your introspection and active exploration, make a comprehensive list of activities, people, and experiences that make you happy;
  2. Prioritize: Not all elements of happiness can be given the same importance. Some are easier to incorporate into your daily life, while others might require more effort or resources. Prioritize based on feasibility, impact on your happiness, and alignment with your long-term goals;
  3. Create a Routine: Design a daily or weekly routine that incorporates your prioritized elements of happiness. This could include setting aside time each day for a hobby, planning regular meet-ups with friends, setting career goals, or establishing a wellness regimen;
  4. Regularly Revisit and Adapt: As life changes, so too can your sources of happiness. Regularly revisit your happiness blueprint and adapt it to your evolving life circumstances.


The process of discovering what makes you happy isn’t a one-time activity—it’s a life-long journey. As you continue to evolve and grow, your definition of happiness might change, and that’s perfectly fine. Remember to revisit your happiness blueprint frequently, make necessary adjustments, and most importantly, remember to live each day intentionally, making choices that align with your happiness. After all, life is too short to not pursue what brings you joy.


Can what makes me happy change over time?

Absolutely. Your interests, values, and circumstances can change as you grow and evolve. Consequently, what brings you happiness can shift. Therefore, it’s important to continually reassess what makes you happy.

How can I maintain happiness in times of adversity?

In difficult times, it’s essential to remember that it’s okay to feel unhappy. Lean on your support network, engage in activities that typically bring you joy, and consider seeking professional help if needed. Maintaining a positive mindset and focusing on what you can control also helps.

Is it selfish to focus on personal happiness?

Seeking personal happiness is not selfish. Remember, your well-being is crucial, and you can better contribute to the happiness of others when you are happy yourself.